While searching to find different black and white photos, I had a hard time connecting them together and trying to create a "dialogue". I realized I was overthinking what I needed to do. I was trying to "create" creativity. However, during this project I realized that it is something that comes to you, and you work with. So then after letting myself just look at different pictures in different ways, I came up with 5 photos by 3 different photographers that express I an inner peace in myself. There are certain spots or scenes that I would love to truly be at or in. These places would be were I would be able to be completely at peace. The following pictures althought different, all come together in a story. This is becasue I feel they represent the previous feelings I described in the way they are captured, the scene itself and the contrast of the black and white color, which at the same time really separates each picture as well.
The photo above was taken by Ansel Adams. This picture really stood out at me as gorgeous. A feeling of serenity overcomes you when looking at this picture. One of my favorite parts is the mist floating above the crashing waves. I think that really represents the peace I get from the photo.
This next photo is another black and white by Ansel Adams. The reflection of the mountains in the water brings the peaceful aspect to the picture. This picture completely represents somewhere you would go to find a part of yourself. The reflection of the mountains in the water that was captured in this picture is so clear and perfect which I find beautiful
The next two photos I feel incorporate a true happiness from withing myself. I love the country of Ireland and while staying there for a semester truly found a special part of myself. I felt completely whole there and now truly feel the country has become a large part of me. Therefore, when I found these photos, I felt they were places I could sit alone and reflect. The two photos portray different shots taken in the country.
The photo above was taken by Philip Pankov. The line of trees represent for me a welcoming path or entrance to something. The trees seem to hover over the path in a protecting manner for those who walk down it. This photo has great contrast within it, but there is still this overlying calm to the photo.
The photo above was also taken by Philip Pankov. It is a photo taken of a landscape in Ireland. As I mentioned before these shots of the country make me feel whole. They represent a definate place I would enjoy at any moment. I completely feel at peace looking at this photo. The variations of the black and white coloring in the sky I find beautiful and are my favorite part of the photo.
The photo above was taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt and is of a reunion on V-day. This photo you may think stands out from the others since it is not of a landscape. However, this black and white photo is one of my favorites. It may be a cliche, commonly used picture for many things, but I feel it is truly a classic and gives me that same peaceful feeling like the others. I think it is because although they are in a crowded busy street, it seems as though just the two of them are there. They are blocking out the world and finding an complete love for one another. There is a true beauty to a photo like this where although busy there is a main focus emphazing life and a completeness.