Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Impressions

There are a few reasons I decided to enroll in the Photography class. I have always been interested in photography and learning how to really use a camera to create different and meaningful pictures. I have always thought that you can capture the most amazing moments or important events in a single shot. Therefore, I really wanted to take this class to learn how to take and develop these types of photos.

Before attending the first class my expectations were pretty high. I expected to be spending time really learning to take and develop photos. Also learning how to really operate the camera to take so many different shots. However, my expectations are now even higher after the class. I realized it is going to be even more work than I had anticipated but it seems that it should be worth it in the end.

My personal goals begin with planning to work hard and do well in the course. I also really hope to learn how to operate the camera and learn all the different techniques. I really want to capture some great pictures this semester, but also see an improvement in my pictures over the semester.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Great goals. Can't wait to get you working on them!