Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Last Impressions

Reading over my first impressions of the Photography class was very interesting. I think overall the reasons that I took the class remained the same. I was about to learn how to use the camera and I really hope to continue using it after the class ends I also learned how to set up pictures technicially and with different compositions to create different and meaningful photographs. Therefore, I feel as though the reasons I took the class were fulfilled.

I definately exceeded my expectations. It was more work than I ever thought it would be. Also taking this class pass/fail I thought it would be different for me. However, the photos were my personal work and since it was a class unlike something I had ever taken I loved creating the photos and developing them so I was always challenged to do my best work. I wanted to love the pictures and wanted others to form opinions whether good or bad on my work as well.

Over the course of the semester I filled my personal goals. I also saw a lot of improvement in the quality of my photos from the first assignments to the last. I learned not only how to work the camera and create different photos, but I really learned how to play around with the machines. I tried out different aperatures, filters, exposure times, etc. to really create the best pictures that I could.

After leaving class tonight, I realized how much I am going to miss this class and being able to develop my own photographs. I really plan on continuing to take pictures in the future and maybe in a few years might take some more photography courses on my own.

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